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Fimian claims lead in money race over Herrity

Today is the FEC deadline for campaigns to report first quarter earnings. In the 11th congressional district Keith Fimian just claimed a lead over his GOP primary opponent Pat Herrity. Fimian announced that he raised nearly $280,000 in the first quarter of 2010 and has more than $600,000 on-hand, claiming a 3-to-1 cash on hand advantage.

“I am thrilled to have so many enthusiastic supporters contributing to my campaign, despite the tough economic times many families face,” Fimian said. “Northern Virginians and supporters across the nation are rallying behind my campaign because they know I am the only candidate in this race that can defeat big government liberal Gerry Connolly and the only one they can trust to do what I say I will do on the campaign trail once in Congress.”

In the first quarter of 2010, 678 donors contributed more than $278,000, compared to only 355 donors at the same point in 2008. Fimian has raised nearly $200,000 more than at the same point in the 2008 cycle. By every measure the campaign has more support and more excitement than two years ago.

“Too much is at stake to send a big spending career politician like Gerry Connolly back to Congress,” Fimian said. “He’s wrong on jobs, wrong on spending and wrong for his 97% support for Nancy Pelosi. I will defeat him in November and help put our country on a better track.”

Politics and issues aside, fundraising is the lifeblood of a campaign. You can have the greatest message in the world but no one will hear it if you don’t have enough money to compete.

I’ll get some more analysis up as the fundraising reports come in.