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End Virginia Confederate History Month – and the other History Months, too

I have seen few things in my life that get people so emotionally revved up than “history months.” For the life of me, I shake my head and wonder why.

We’re in the midst of major economic turmoil, families are still losing jobs and homes, government is moving toward socializing medical care, terrorists still want to kill us, and during the “pre-show” for WHRO’s What Matters (which airs this Friday), and each of the other guests wanted to talk about McDonnell and Confederate History Month.

And scanning blogs and newspapers, it’s all the lefties want to talk about. You’d think the issue mattered.

It doesn’t.

Some Governors issued the proclamation, some didn’t. For the life of me, I wouldn’t miss them if they were gone or notice them if they stayed.

Of course, having grown up in the half of the country that won that war, about all I think about when seeing a Confederate flag is Daisy Duke.

Maybe we need a Daisy Duke month.

Or better still, maybe we need to finally put a stop to all these “history months” that honor every group that has political muscle behind it. Yes, all of them.

And all those marketing gimmicks that start with “Honoring the major contributions of (insert protected demographic categories)?” I’m over them all.

I’m over the federal government taking the duty of conducting a Constitutional “actual enumeration” to mean “tell us your race and gender” and a bunch of other things that is not “enumeration.”

Why keep dividing Americans?

My experience with most of these “history months” is angry comments, nasty emails, and personal attacks – and for once, I’m not the one making them.

And that’s the biggest problem of them all.

So, being a uniter (not a divider), let’s have a moratorium on all these “history months,” “honoring the significant contributions of” and stop segmenting everyone into who gets honored and who doesn’t.

Get rid of all of them – with the lone exception being, of course, my newly proposed Daisy Duke month.