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Herrity claims 2-1 advantage over Fimian in new poll

GOP congressional hopeful Pat Herrity just released an internal poll putting him up 42%-21% over Keith Fimian in the 11th district primary. 37% of primary voters are undecided.

In a statement Herrity said:

“A poll of likely GOP voters conducted by The Tarrance Group shows me with a 42% to 21% lead over the next leading Republican candidate. Those polled cited my conservative values, my experience and my chance at beating Connolly in November as reasons they would vote for me in June.

“A survey conducted by Tel Opinion Research of all VA-11 voters found that only 42% of voters approve of ‘the job Gerry Connolly is doing as your congressman.’ And that was before Connolly voted for the $1 trillion, job-killing healthcare bill. In a head-to-head match-up in that pre-healthcare survey, I was within 5 percentage points of Connolly. The next Republican candidate was 12 points behind.”

This also reflects my earlier report [1] about the leaked poll putting Herrity down by 5 points and Fimian down by around 10.