Trouble ‘Brewing’ in the VA-05 District with Michael McPadden?

Caught up in the controversy in the 2nd District this week, there’s been another story apparently festering in the 5th District. Candidate Michael McPadden last month released a press release with a campaign update, leading with the news that his campaign manager, Joshua Solovskoy, had left the campaign, the second campaign manager to be replaced since December. McPadden’s statement:

As you know now Joshua Solovskoy has resigned from McPadden for Congress. Let me be the first to say that he will be missed. Joshua is a tireless worker and a man of principle who simply does not share the same vision of liberty as this campaign. I am sad to see him go, and truly wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors.

From the surface, all is well. However, Joshua recently has released three statements, including a very long, explosive statement on his personal blog, listing an assortment of allegations and giving his side of why he stepped down.

Ominously enough…

Dear Voter of the Fifth District of Virginia,
I sincerely apologize to you for encouraging you to vote for and/or support Michael McPadden for Congress. I have come to regret any affiliation with McPadden. I feel shame for being so deceived and I ask for your forgiveness for my encouragement of him to you.
In a private meeting with McPadden, just days before my public resignation, I presented my list of grievances and concerns. From the list I advised McPadden to pay money he owed to Ed Robb (Former McPadden Chief of Staff) and to John Dardin (Former Campaign Manager), I reminded him of my objection to the hire a homosexual he was considering as campaign manager and expressed my concern that a future gay hire to his staff if elected to Congress would cause strife and separation of my service from his team. Furthermore, in addition to a multitude of other items from my list I also advised him to be humble and align his thought life with the scriptures, to put God first and champion His moral values. We could not agree. Following that meeting I resigned and I published the following as my explanation for leaving the campaign:
While I was serving as the Chief of Staff I learned of McPadden’s efforts to discredit and have arrested the honorable Ed Robb, McPadden’s former Chief of Staff. Through these events I watched a potential Congressman, McPadden, become consumed with a figment of the imagination and take steps towards eliminating or harming a perceived foe.
Let me conclude with this: Mike McPadden is dangerous to the Fifth District of Virginia because at his core he is an immoral man; he deceives, manipulates, and bends the truth to suit his agenda; he does not have the moral self restraint nor the scriptural disposition that our Founding Fathers believed was a requirement to serve in the People’s House. Finally, McPadden is dangerous because he has demonstrated that he willing to use power to harm those he perceives that are against him.

Isn’t this the type of person that we are trying to remove from Washington?

Dear Voter, again I apologize for any time, money, or support you lent to McPadden for Congress at my enthusiasm or request. I am ashamed and humiliated. I am sorry. Please forgive me for my naïveté?


Rev. Joshua Daniel Solovskoy

Regardless of your opinion on his views (which we’re not here to debate) some explosive allegations. We are a little late to the ball, this has been covered by Va 5th Watchdog and VA Social Conservative

To my knowledge McPadden has not responded, but this public airing of dirty laundry, true or not, cannot bode well for McPadden. With numerous candidates jockeying for positing, the slightest misstep can be disastrous.

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