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Whose fault is Health Care takeover?

Everyone’s looking at the vote in the House as crucial to Obama’s government health care plan’s passage.

Everyone’s looking at the wrong end of the Capitol. In fact, in some ways, this huge monstrosity owes its existence to one word.


Oh, and some Republicans unnatural adoration for Mark Warner.

In 2006, Virginia had two Republican Senators, George Allen and John Warner. Health Care would never have survived the US Senate had that been true in 2010.

Mark Warner’s tax-raising, big government record was no problem for lots of Republicans who basically handed him a US Senate seat over Jim Gilmore. Yeah, these pro-business Republicans who let Warner get away with his “radical centrist” talk are responsible that we’ve only gotten the “radical” part during his Senate tenure.

And while Republicans were fighting with each other over the Allen campaign and spending months talking about a word no one ever heard of said to a videographer, Virginia elected another vote for Obamacare, Jim Webb.

Either one of these seats in Republican hands would’ve been enough to stop this health care takeover. Both would’ve assured its defeat, or at least a successful filibuster.

Everyone who opposes this gargantuan expensive entitlement program at a time when our national debt is in the $12-13 trillion range needs to look in the mirror and ask:

Did you vote for Jim Gilmore? Did you vote for George Allen?

If you didn’t, you have no reason to complain. You got what you did vote for.