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Goodlatte introduces “Virginia Access to Energy Act” with Bipartisan Support

Today Representative Bob Goodlatte introduced the “Virginia Access to Energy Act”. H.R. 4942, removes the regulatory road blocks that are impeding the exploration for natural gas and crude oil in Virginia’s waters of the Outer Continental Shelf.

Joining Congressman Bob Goodlatte as original co-sponsors of this legislation were Representatives Rob Wittman (VA-1), Glenn Nye (VA-2), Randy Forbes (VA-4), Tom Perriello (VA-5), Eric Cantor (VA-6), Rick Boucher (VA-9), and Frank Wolf (VA-10).

“Every day, folks across Virginia and the nation are confronted with the rising cost of energy, from the cost at the pump to soaring electric bills,” said Congressman Goodlatte. “I believe that Virginia should have every tool available to access its energy supplies. The ‘Virginia Access to Energy Act’ will remove the regulatory hurdles that have impeded development and create a path for Virginia to become ‘the Energy Capital of the East Coast.’”

Among those regulatory hurdles? Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. A lease sale has been proposed in Virginia’s Outer Continental Shelf, but Salazar has continued to postpone the sale.

At the request of the Virginia Governor,the legislation requires the Department of Interior, to proceed with the Virginia lease sale no later than one year after passage of this legislation.

Just this past session the Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 756 sponsored by Delegate Christoper Stolle that “Requires that all revenues and royalties paid to the Commonwealth as a result of offshore natural gas and oil drilling shall be distributed as follows: (i) 70 percent to the Transportation Trust Fund, (ii) 20 percent to the Virginia Coastal Energy Research Consortium, and (iii) 10 percent to localities for improvements to infrastructure and transportation.”

While Goodlatte’s measure has received bipartisan support from Virginia’s Congressional Delegation, noticably absent were the names of Gerry Connolly, Jim Moran and Bobby Scott.

As Goodlatte said, “Virginians understand that a major component in lessening energy costs is to produce more energy. In addition to helping us become energy independent, this legislation will help create thousands of jobs for Virginians and infuse the Commonwealth with new capital growth.”

Seven out of eleven Virginia Congressmen agree.