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March Madness

Yesterday I joined the protests at the US Capitol to show my discontent with the current bill. Even though NBC claims that only 2,000 people showed up [1], I’m pretty sure my pictures [2] will show you otherwise. Of course listening to CNN this morning, the only thing they focused on was a handful of protesters who crossed the line. And finally, Faux News couldn’t stop talking about Tiger Woods. So while the mainstream media either ignores or attempts to discredit the citizens who believe in Limited Govt and the Free Market, we have to remain strong against the encroachment of the govt into our lives.

Late last night at dinner, we happened to be sitting next to some hardcore Democrats who were complaining about how they were so far outnumbered. In our conversation with them, I asked a simple question, “will you be afraid of govt run healthcare when Sarah Palin eventually becomes President and uses it as a tool to control gays?” No answer.