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Dems in Congress Last Gasp for Health Care: Parlor Tricks

I typically avoid reporting on national issues and try and keep things state or locally focused. However, as it hasn’t discussed yet, I’ll tackle the latest health care situation.

House Rules Committee by Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) has proposed what is now being called the “Slaughter Solution” in that the House would completely avoid a vote on health care and simply ‘deem’ the Senate bill ‘pass’-ed. Allegedly, this would pass the bill on for an assured signature from President Obama.

To say this smacks of desperation is an understatement. To question the constitutionality is common sense. To understand why they’d resort to parlor tricks and shell games to pass health care? Not so hard.

Democrats are all-in on health care, they’ve staked their political livelihood on this issue alone. Pundits are speculating that if health care fails, Obama will be a one-term President. Rahm Emanuel’s ‘Big Bang’ approach to governing blew up last year, and Pelosi has said she will do whatever it takes to pass health care. Apparently, that also includes not voting for it. The more time passes, the more that it’s apparent Democrats don’t have the votes.

At least in my opinion, the American people are not stupid. To pass a bill this way will destroy any chance the Democrats have at salvaging even a moral victory in November.

What do you think? Is this even a possibility? Should it happen? What’s the outcome?