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Obama Administration Makes Unforced Error

On Meet the Press this morning Senior White House Advisor David Axelrod made an egregious error in his response [1] to Israel’s expanded settlement announcement.

I realize that the announcement by the Israeli government was made while Vice President Biden was visiting the country, however, the whole point of Biden going over there in the first place was to lessen concern of a rift between the United States and Israel. Unfortunately, it appears that such a rift does exist. I would further submit that the blame for this rift lies with the Obama Administration and their actions since assuming office over a year ago.

It is really none of the Obama Administration’s business whether or not another sovereign nation expands its communities or not. Israel is not America’s child and should not be treated as such. We are not a “mother country” that has the right to dictate to Israel what she can and cannot do. We are Israel’s equal partner on the world stage.

Such actions and statements on the part of the Obama Administration only lead me to conclude what the people of Israel have concluded. That the Obama Administration harbors more affinity with Israel’s critics than with the people of Israel.