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How about a one New Yorker a month law?

Oh, just wait. Before you get your Birkenstocks in an uproar, note the toungue-in-cheekiness of my post.

It’s just that I get tired of outsiders, particularly New Yorkers, telling us in Virginia that they’ve got a better way of doing things. Like, in this case, gun control.

Seriously New York? Shall we compare crime statistics?

What prompted my rant? See this editorial from The Harrisonburg Daily News Record [1]:

Va.’s Bad Gun Laws Posted: A Cheap Shot From New York

So, because Virginia’s lawmakers do not agree with the Times’ seize-the-guns ideology they are “callous.” And now, this latest little dig [2]: Those crazy Virginians want to let law-abiding citizens carry weapons! No wonder a maniac shot up the Pentagon.

Seems The New York Times, Mayor Bloomberg and crowd are all upset about Virginia’s gun laws. But in this case, the Times leaves out some important information until they’ve had their little rant. This time the guns that committed the crime in question were purchase in California.

But not to worry. I have the solution.

I’m hearby calling on the General Assembly to enact a “One New Yorker a Month Law.”

In other words, once the first New Yorker crosses the Potomac in Virginia, the next one has to wait on the northern bank for the next 30-or-so days.