Quick update from GOP congressional campaigns

1st District: Just in case you were getting bored with the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th districts, we now add a fun twist in the 1st – Catherine Crabill has declared her intention to challenge incumbent Rep. Rob Wittman. Apparently this challenge has a little to do with revenge, as Crabill is upset Wittman did not support her in her attempt to become a delegate in the 99th District. Crabill is perhaps best remembered for her theory that the Oklahoma City bombing was the work of our own federal government.

2nd District: Ken Golden was recently in Oxford to present a seminar on US-China relations as a guest lecturer.

Ben Loyola solves the carrier dilemma by calling on the country to build more carriers:

Ben Loyola proposes the building of two additional carriers to meet all core competencies of the Unified Maritime Strategy, including power projection, forward presence, sea control, maritime security, deterrence and humanitarian assistance/disaster response. The additional carriers will also allow for shortened deployment cycles addressed in the Fleet Response Plan and lessen the demands that are straining our service members and their families.

And, Scott Taylor appeared on Fox News to discuss the trial of Navy SEALS:

In the 5th, Feda Morton got a huge endorsement from the Eagle Forum PAC and Phyllis Schlafly:

“Feda is exactly the kind of leader we need in Washington,” said Eagle Forum founder and president, Phyllis Schlafly. “As a career schoolteacher who has taught at public schools, private schools, homeschooled her children and was elected to serve on the Fluvanna County School Board, Feda knows how badly federal meddling impacts education.”

In the 8 11th, Keith Fimian has released several more “Fimian Minute” videos and, as reported here on BD earlier by Krystle, the big news is he has a 5 point lead in a head-to-head with Gerry Connolly.

Pat Herrity is campaigning by noting that the Board of Supervisors in Fairfax County recently voted to raise taxes on homeowners by $100 – something he has opposed. He also noted that under then Chairman Gerry Connolly, homeowners’ taxes nearly doubled. Herrity is saying that all government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

In the 9th, Morgan Griffith has already hit the NRCC’s first benchmark in the “Young Guns” program achieving “On the Radar” status.

And, in the 11 8th, not only has Mark Ellmore left the race, he has left the party. In an email exchange with Bearing Drift, Ellmore said:

“I have left the party and am not interested in participating at any level.”

And, finally, Matthew Berry went after incumbent Rep. Jim Moran in a recent email regarding Moran’s “corruption”:

this weekend’s Washington Post revealed more details about Jim Moran’s corruption. In one case, internal company e-mails show that officials at Innovative Concepts clearly perceived that they needed to contribute to Moran’s campaign in order to receive his help obtaining an earmark. As the company’s Chief Technology Officer memorably told another executive, who was complaining about being required to attend a Moran wine tasting fundraiser when he didn’t drink wine, “You don’t have to drink. You just have to pay.” Well, the executives paid, and Innovative Concepts received an $800,000 earmark.

In another case, the chief lobbyist for Argon ST, a company that had benefited from earmarking, asked Moran’s campaign staff how much the company was expected to raise for Moran at an upcoming fundraiser. The response: “Jim was expecting 10K.”

Remarkably, Jim Moran continues to deny any link between the earmarks that he requests and the campaign contributions he receives. Indeed, as the Washington Post reports, despite the fact that he makes fundraising calls two to three times a week (and attends his own fundraisers), Moran claims to be unaware of who is making donations to his campaign or how much donors are contributing!

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