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Academy Awards Preview: Oscar night!

Sunday is Oscar night, but since so many films are nominated for Best Picture, I thought I’d provide you – the Bearing Drift reader – with a capsule summary of each of the films in case you hadn’t seen them.

Avatar – A cute story about the Democrats who will tell us we have a heath care crisis, a global warming crisis, a lack of taxes crisis – basically nothing but crisis after crisis until they are blue in the face. They try to turn every state blue, and in the end, it’s just a bad remake of an old Kevin Costner movie.

The Blind Side – Sad story about the Virginia Senate, who can’t see the results of the 2009 elections where Virginians rejected tax increases, offers tax increases of their own, flying blind into voter rage in 2011.

District 9 – Republican Majority Leader Morgan Griffith making Democrat Rick Boucher’s life miserable in a district McCain won with 59%. November can’t come soon enough.

An Education – What every Democrat gets when AG Ken Cuccinelli starts talking about the Constitution.

The Hurt Locker – Documentary about Creigh Deeds’ campaign staff on election night.

Inglorious Basterds
– Wall-to-wall coverage of the annual Blogs United conference.

Precious – A film about lobbyists for government employees who think their jobs are more important than the jobs of the taxpayers who pay for them.

A Serious Man – Nancy Pelosi’s life story and how she convinced the country into thinking she was at least more attractive than Janet Reno…from a distance.

Up – Romantic comedy about unemployment under the Obama Administration.

Up in the Air – The story about Charlie Rangel, his “up in the air” status as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and a scientific analysis of how his Corporate-paid flights to the Caribbean ever got his fat butt “up in the air.”

Can’t wait to see who wins!