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According to Politico [1], this morning Mitt Romney was on The View promoting his new book, No Apology: The Case for American Greatness [2], when he was asked who he would like to see run for President in 2012. He answered like this:

“There are lots of good people out there. There are all the familiar names. But there’s some people you don’t know so well. This new guy that got elected in Virginia as governor, Bob McDonnell, we’re going to get a chance to see him. He could be a strong contender.”

Lots have folks have already commented on the great campaign McDonnell ran last year, and we certainly ought to let the man get settled in his current job before we start talking about a promotion. However, when those words of praise start coming on national television from one of the leading contenders to be the GOP’s Presidential nominee in 2012, a lot more people are going to start paying attention to what’s happening in Virginia.

I guess this also means Romney doesn’t hold that Fred Thompson endorsement against the Governor.