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Seeking Generation Next: What Can Republicans Do to Recruit the Future?

Brian and I attending a forum assembled this morning by the leadership of the Virginia Beach Republican City Committee. The original topic was to be how can party leaders effectively court, recruit and involve 20+, 30+ and 40+ year olds into the party. An issue with today’s meeting was there were far too many people outside the age range we’re focusing on, so instead of a focused set of ideas, we got a shotgun blast variety, including utilizing Uncle Sam ‘We Want YOU’ to bring young people to ‘fight’.

While discussion quickly devolved from that into what to do with individuals once they’ve begun being involved, I thought it might be a worthy discussion for us as a collective group. Our primary reader makeup is in the range we’re targeting, so what are your thoughts?

How best can we as a party, or we as conservatives court, recruit and involve Generation X and Generation Next? Is branding ourselves ‘Republicans’ hurting this cause?

Look forward to a lively discussion, I’ll include my thoughts as well further below!