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Washington Post: Now Bob McDonnell is a Moderate?

The Washington Post spent the last several years and most of the fall trying to portray Bob McDonnell as the disciple that Pat Robertson loved. But their attempt to “macaca” him failed, largely because the public has realized that they’re not a news organization, they’re a propaganda arm from the left.

Have they seen the light, so to speak? Consider this from today’s Washington Post:

Va. Senate Democrats in a bind on balancing state budget [1]
During his campaign, McDonnell ran as a moderate and promised to work across party lines. Since taking office, he has reached out to Democrats, inviting them to breakfast meetings and gathering them for cocktails at the governor’s mansion.

Yes, McDonnell does have a career record of being able to work across party lines. And he’s shown his willingness to do just that as Governor. But to call him a moderate?

No new taxes, offshore drilling, charter schools? Those are now moderate issues?


To illustrate just how increasingly irrelevant The Post is let’s take a look in the wayback machine:

Mr. Deeds for Governor
The Washington, Post, October 18, 2009 [2]
Our differences with him are on questions of policy. The clamor surrounding his graduate dissertation from 1989, in which he disparaged working women, homosexuals, “fornicators” and others of whom he disapproved, has tended to obscure rather than illuminate fair questions about the sort of governor he would make. Based on his 14-year record as a lawmaker — a record dominated by his focus on incendiary wedge issues — we worry that Mr. McDonnell’s Virginia would be one where abortion rights would be curtailed; where homosexuals would be treated as second-class citizens; where information about birth control would be hidden; and where the line between church and state could get awfully porous. That is a prescription for yesterday’s Virginia, not tomorrow’s.

Bob McDonnell, Culture Warrior
At 34, the GOP candidate for governor disapproved of fornicators, homosexuals and working women.

The Washington Post, September 1, 2009 [3]
Nonetheless, in his 14 years in the state’s General Assembly, Mr. McDonnell did aggressively pursue a socially conservative agenda largely in line with his thesis. As governor he could do the same, although he would be constrained by a legislature at least partly controlled by Democrats. He could not ban abortion and contraception, but he could help restrict access. The Bob McDonnell who wrote that thesis would make a divisive, disruptive and partisan governor — a sharp departure from the tradition of generally pragmatic executives who have helped make Virginia one of the better-managed states in the union. Virginians deserve specific answers about where the thinking of his early middle age has shifted, and where it remains consistent.

Virginia Gov.-elect Robert McDonnell faces transportation crucible
The Washington Post, January 5, 2010

The evidence from Mr. McDonnell’s gubernatorial campaign does not compel much optimism. His transportation plan, which ruled out new taxes, relied on made-up numbers and wishful thinking to arrive at its promise of new funding. Moreover, the McDonnell team’s preference for shrinking government does not inspire much hope that it will see transportation funding and the necessary administrative apparatus to support it as priorities.

Washington Post Calls McDonnell’s Agenda “Dogmatically Conservative;” Endorses Opponent
The Washington Post, October 23, 2005

Mr. McDonnell is an able, articulate legislator, but we worry he would bring a dogmatically conservative social agenda to the job. He has been among the General Assembly’s staunchest opponents of abortion rights and a supporter of state intervention in end-of-life decisions, as in the Terri Schiavo case.

Washington Post Notes Pat Robertson is McDonnell’s “Ally and Political Mentor “
The Washington Post, October 21, 2005

“Democrats suspect, without offering any proof, that the RSLC is concealing huge “pass-through” donations from Pat Robertson, an ally and political mentor of Mr. McDonnell. Mr. McDonnell is a graduate of the law school of Regent University, a Christian institution founded by Mr. Robertson. The televangelist makes no secret of his support, having given $36,000 directly to the McDonnell campaign, its second-largest donation from an individual. But asked if Mr. Robertson had also given money to the RSLC, his spokesman said he was “in the midst of special programming” this week and unavailable for comment.”

The Washington Post. Just another version of the National Enquirer.

But without the accuracy.