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Transportation in Hampton Roads – working towards a solution (part two)

This is part two of a series of posts by Mike Barrett that will present his view on the transportation issue. Bearing Drift is also seeking other leaders in the transportation debate to offer alternative perspectives. The goal is to have a conversation on transportation without undue partisanship or a strident tone. – J. R. Hoeft

Guest post by Mike Barrett, member of the Board of Directors, Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce and SPSA and CEO of the Runnymede Corporation

It has clearly been established by the political establishment in Virginia, and of course, by most rational citizens, that the condition of our transportation infrastructure is deplorable. Some have described the infrastructure in Virginia as that of a third world country. But despite this near unanimous consensus, the real rub is what to do about it. In this installment, I answer that question.

Fact is, just recently there was general consensus about what to do about the funding problem, and it was passed by both Chambers of the General Assembly, and signed by the Governor. Of course, the Supreme Court did not agree about the manner in which the taxes were levied, but of course, the Court seemed fine with the increases in taxes and fees needed to stop the degradation and begin to improve the system.

Let’s review. In Hampton Roads, the Legislation would have created a Hampton Roads Transportation Authority, and if implemented, it would have generated about $170 M per year for regional transportation projects. Taxes and fees that would have been raised included inspection fees, a tax on automobile repairs, an increase in the Grantor’s tax, a motor vehicle rental tax, a one time additional registration tax, an annual vehicle registration fee, and a retail tax on motor fuels sales. Hard to argue that these taxes and fees don’t have a nexus to the use of highways, bridges, and tunnels.

Tolls were included as part of the plan, and of course the HRTA could engage in public private partnerships if this was the most cost effective and efficient manner to complete a project.

Now, there were some optional discretionary fees that could have been levied as well, and the Authority would have had the opportunity to borrow in order to get projects started as the annual revenue was built up.

Looking back, it is hard to believe that any citizen could really have cared who levied the taxes and fees, especially in view of the continue decay and deterioration of our system. Those for whom no new taxes is their mantra would have been really angry, and those for whom congestion, delay, deterioration, and personal inconvenience, would have been overjoyed that we would finally take the bull by the horns and get started.

Could this solution work today? Of course. It simply requires political will and Delegates and Senators who are compelled to vote in the public interest. Is that too much to ask?

Read Part one