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Republican VA-02 District Meeting Tonight to Determine Nomination Process

In a move sure to drawn fire from at least two of the candidates fighting for the Republican nomination in the 2nd Congressional district, tonight the 2nd District Committee holds another meeting to determine the nominating process for the candidates. Last month, the committee chose a canvass, prior to the 8th State Senate special election. The disorganization of that election, coupled with the failure by the Justice Department to approve the canvass method for Congressional candidates (all changes to both parties election plans must be approved by Justice to ensure no voters are being disenfranchised), means tonight’s meeting will decide, for a second time the nomination process.

Scott Taylor’s campaign has openly sought a convention or a single-building primary. Kenny Golden expressed personally in an exclusive interview with Bearing Drift his preference for a canvass, but that was prior to having failed to receive approval from Justice. Ed Maulbeck’s campaign only opportunity for success would be a convention. Ben Loyola, Scott Rigell and Bert Mizusawa have made their preferences unknown, simply stating that they’ll be prepared for whatever the committee may decide.

Two important notes:

– There is only one building in the district that would be able to handle the projected ten to twelve thousand estimated delegates expected for a convention, the Virginia Beach Convention Center. However, that building is not available on the assigned date for the convention.

– The early projected cost of a full district primary is somewhere between $250,000 and $400,000, to be borne by the 2nd District taxpayers.

Early speculation is that a primary will emerge as the winner tonight, assuming that the committee receives a 2/3rds majority to open the earlier vote from last month’s meeting for reconsideration. If in fact that goes through, the committee will then vote between a convention and a primary this evening at 7:00 PM at the New Cavalier in Virginia Beach. Once we have confirmation of the vote, you’ll have the news here at Bearing Drift.