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March for Life 2010

Today marked the 37th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that, together with its companion case, forced abortion-on-demand on this country.

This past year, 52 million legal abortions later, more Americans now identify themselves as “pro-life” than “pro-choice” (for the first time since Gallup started polling on this question).

When the Supreme Court legalized abortion, justices claimed not to know when life began. Today, most people have watched a live sonogram or seen a video of a sonogram showing a beating heart at five weeks, discernable features at twelve weeks and, perhaps, sexual characteristics at twenty weeks of pregnancy.

I was on the mall today, as a crowd stretching to 12th street gathered to express one sentiment: that the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should be recognized and protected from conception to natural death.

You can watch the pre-March rally on CSPAN [1]. From my observation, the crowd was the largest its been in many years. Many marchers were there for the first time, energized and concerned by the Obama administration. Others have been coming for twenty years or more. I am one of those – having first marched beside my sister’s stroller when I was just five years old.

For many, the March is deeply personal. With deep emotion in her voice, Georgette Forney, co-founder of the Silent No More [2]awareness campaign, told of the many men and women who regret their abortions.


Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers introduced the marchers to her baby son, Cole (pictured). Cole has a genetic abnormality called Downs Syndrome. Precious people with Downs used to be a normal part of our communities. But now, as Rep. McMorris Rodgers reminded us, 90% of babies like Cole are aborted.

Besides McMorris Rodgers, 20 other Members of Congress spoke to the gathered crowd. No Virginia Members spoke; however, I talked with many Virginians in the crowd.

Virginian, Dr. John Bruchalski [4], who said he once did abortions, spoke on behalf of life-affirming medical professionals, encouraging real health care reform. He encouraged support for inconvenient truth and “love that casts out fear” as well as intentional support for local pro-life doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

The Washington Times has a slideshow [5]from today’s March.