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Blogging at the Virginia inauguration


Blogging at the Virginia inauguration [1]

Originally uploaded by bearingdrift [2]

Loved the accommodations on inauguration day! Of course, it was better than being jammed into the limited space they had available on the media risers. Print media had a place to file stories in the Patrick Henry building – but that was too far for any live posting. (Which, if you recall, was an epic fail anyway – I should have used Cover-it Live instead of BlogTalkRadio.)

The TV guys got to the risers early and put pieces of 8.5×11 paper down saying “Reserved For”…so there was no room for anyone else. Hopefully, next time, a little more thought will go into making sure bloggers and print media have an opportunity to work at the actual site.

Of course, I am just happy I was credentialed.