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Griffith and McWaters respond to Kaine’s last address

You can read the full text of the governor’s last state of the commonwealth address here [1]…but there are a couple of key points that you have to take away from the GOP response to see how the next General Assembly session is going to play out.

First, here’s the most significant point of the entire evening from House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith:

“Gov. Kaine has highlighted the spending cuts to government programs he has proposed in his budget. But regrettably, he has downplayed the linchpin of his budget: dramatic increases in fees and taxes, including a substantial increase in the income tax.

“Since the General Assembly has not agreed to the latest tax increases advocated by Gov. Kaine, the budget he has proposed is effectively unbalanced. As a result, this governor has ceded the task of fulfilling the constitutional responsibility of producing a balanced budget to legislators and our new governor, Bob McDonnell.”

Griffith concludes by saying:

“Out of necessity, this General Assembly session will be focused on putting Virginia’s fiscal house in order by producing a balanced budget without increasing taxes. Additionally, a great emphasis will be placed on promoting economic growth and adding private-sector jobs to our economy.”

Senator Jeff McWaters, newly elected from Virginia Beach, continues laying down the gauntlet as follows:

“We need to cut billions from the state budget and meet enormous transportation and education challenges. We must control spiraling Medicaid costs. And above all, we need to free the private sector to do what only the private sector can do: create jobs and stimulate the economy.

“Last year, the outgoing administration relied on the stimulus package to bail-out and paper over our problems and delaying the inevitable by one more year.

“This year, we must truly stimulate the economy by returning to our founding economic principles: capitalism, less government, lower taxes and plain old hard work.”

Then, McWaters effectively lays out what the GOP plan will be this session:

“One, implement tax credits for companies that create at least 50 jobs in Virginia. This is one tax credit that will pay for itself many times over.

“Two, streamline government regulations and protect the Right to Work laws that help create a favorable business climate in the Commonwealth. These policies are already a strong draw for businesses looking to locate in the Commonwealth. With the assault on business from Washington in the form of Obamacare, card check and cap and trade, Virginia’s business-friendly policies will be even more important as a last line of defense.

“Three, invest more in the Governor’s Opportunity Fund and aggressively pursue global opportunities. When it comes to attracting new businesses, Virginia is facing stronger competition from other states and countries. The Governor’s Opportunity Fund allows us to provide greater incentives for companies to locate and create jobs in Virginia.

“Four, prepare Virginia’s future workforce to take on the jobs of the 21st century by recruiting the best teachers and rewarding them based on their success. Our schools must focus more on science, technology, engineering, health care and mathematics, subjects that will be the base of the jobs of the future.”

Game on.