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Kaine would’ve given a different budget to Deeds

I’m convinced of it.

Deeds repeatedly said he would not raise taxes except for Transportation. Does anyone honestly think that Tim Kaine would’ve handed Creigh Deeds a budget that not only did nothing for transportation but raised income taxes for the most general of government spending programs?

Not a chance. No way at all. Tim Kaine, the Governor who promised no tax increases without a constitutional amendment protecting the transportation fund and then pushed tax increases without any amendment in sight?

This budget proposal is nothing more than a whiny brat of a failed Governor who was NATIONALLY EMBARRASSED by losing the only 2 statewide races on his watch, including one in his own state.

Had Deeds won, he would’ve submitted a budget that Deeds could champion. With McDonnell the winner, Kaine submitted a budget that I don’t think Creigh Deeds would even vote for.

By the way, where is Creigh? Is Kaine’s proposal “on the table?” Will you vote for it? Was Tim Kaine’s thesis titled “How to pitch a fit while leaving office a miserable failure?”

I only wish Timmy thinks he’s got one more office run in him. Go for the US Senate, Tim. We all know how happy Webb and Warner are wandering around the Senate chamber scared that they’ll turn out like Robert Byrd. One of them is bound to ditch the gig.

And we could use another landslide victory.