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Polls Just Closed in the 37th District

After waiting in line for an hour, I got an overwhelming sense that Will Nance is leading in the polls. This comes from the amount of stickers and the general turnout from this election. When I finished voting, I talked with Anthony Bedell, Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee. Bedell reported that 1,000 voters made it through the lines at 8:30 p.m., and with the polls recently closing, the prediction was 1,500 voters.

Aside from traffic being horrible and the cold weather, people for the most part stayed positive during the hour plus long wait to vote. There were several complaints about the location and the lack of police directing traffic to make things easier. However, this was the only location that the 37th Legislative Committee could reserve due to several other venues having sporting events, etc.

I just spoke again with Bedell, and he said that there are still 250 people in line that have to vote. This election turnout has been huge for the Firehouse primary with approximately 2,000 people voting. With this type of turnout, there is no doubt that Dave Marsden will be in trouble come January 12, 2010.