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Villanueva beats Mathieson finally

No, it wasn’t a recount. Mathieson hasn’t even asked for one yet, and he can’t until likely November 23rd.

But will he? There are three steps here. Step one was completed last night, which was the local Electoral Board’s certification of results. It is NOT a recount (despite what some local media and some sign carriers longing for a Florida have said). Step two is certification of the results by the State Board of Elections, which will happen by November 23rd.

Only after that point can anyone even ask for a recount, and only candidates can. No one else can impose one, and there isn’t an automatic one.

George Allen, behind by 00.25% to Jim Webb in 2006 opted not to ask for a recount, saying “I do not wish to cause more rancor by protracted litigation.” Conversely, Creigh Deeds did ask for one, costing taxpayers 6 figures and changing a whopping 37 votes out of nearly 2 million cast.

So, no, both sides don’t do the same thing.

Villanueva was declared the winner by 14 votes after the inclusion of 2 absentee votes which the candidates split, and 4 provisional votes were approved, 3 of which went to Mathieson.

Everything is up to Mathieson now. He can concede the race and accept the result, or he can insist on staying lawyered up [1] with Al Gore legal help and drag this into December recounting electronic votes and absentee ballots. Are they hoping for a different result? Will they try to have enough absentee ballots for Villanueva thrown out to change the result of the election?

Oh, THAT would be rich. The crowd of Democrats (most not even from the district I’m sure) who chanted “count every vote” would have to start chanting “Nevermind what I said last week…DON’T count every vote” and “Throw out his votes but not ours.” Not exactly “We Shall Overcome” is it?

Or will Mathieson let this one go and live to fight another day, so to speak. The legal tricks of the Democrats during the past 7 days haven’t exactly raised the bar of statesmanship in Virginia Beach. The Electoral Board has done nothing improper and rantings of some Democrats making it out to be some bin of corruption was really sad to see. Unfortunately, if Mathieson stays on this track, we’ll see more trashcan stunts well into the Christmas season.

What should Bobby do?