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Live Blog from the McDonnell-Bolling-Cuccinelli Victory Party

I arrived here in Richmond around 3:30 p.m. and came down to the press area to pick up credentials at 4:00 p.m. The press area was already filled with various news agencies, and I took my seat beside Lynn Mitchell of SWAC Girl [1] to cover the events of this evening. I will be sharing some photos and video from tonight’s coverage.


6:00 p.m.: RNC Chairman Michael Steele stopped by media row for interviews with members of the media. I think he has spoken to almost every news agency in the room. (Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to interview him.) It’s 56 minutes until the polls close, and the room should begin filling up shortly. Right now, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has arrived on media row for interviews. Several news stations are interviewing him, as we speak, and Bill Bolling is nearby as well.

6:45 p.m.: People will begin filling the room at 7 p.m. Polls will close in fifteen minutes.

7:03 p.m.: Room is filling with people. Polls are now closed.

7:15 p.m.: Polling data on the State Board of Elections [2] show Bob McDonnell leading Creigh Deeds, 66-33%, Bill Bolling leading Jody Wagner, 65-34%, Ken Cuccinelli leading Steve Shannon, 65-34%. Now, this is just from a few early polling precincts.

7:22 p.m.: Ed Gillespie, Chairman of McDonnell’s campaign is now on stage. Gillespie is introducing Mississippi Governor (and former RNC Chairman) Haley Barbour. Barbour is chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association.

Barbour asked the audience if this victory is sweet, and is looking forward to welcoming McDonnell to the Republican Governor’s Association.

“McDonnell ran a campaign on the issues that are on the minds of many Virginians. Bob McDonnell is just what Virginians wanted. Virginia is going on the right direction and will lead America in the right direction. This will be the springboard to 2010.”

7:27 p.m.: Gillespie is introducing RPV Chairman Pat Mullins. Mullins gave a speech saying that McDonnell, Bolling, and Cuccinelli will be a victory for a financially, prudent government. “The Republican Party is alive, well, and victorious.”

7:34 p.m.: Polls still showing McDonnell, Bolling, and Cuccinelli ahead.

Gillespie is now introducing RNC Chairman, Michael Steele to the standing room only audience. Steele started off by getting the crowd fired up by saying, “We did it,” and said the party is strong due to the grassroots.

“You wanted leadership that understood you, and that leadership was Bob McDonnell. Our party is strong tonight. We care about free markets, free enterprise, and family values. Freedom is alive in Virginia tonight, because of what you’ve done.”

7:40 p.m.: Poll Update from SBE: McDonnell leads Deeds 63-36%, Bolling leads Wagner 61-38, and Cuccinelli leads Wagner 62-37.

7:53 p.m.: John Cox is now on stage as the newly elected member of the House of Delegates .

“What a great night to be a Republican in Virginia. I am humbled and honored to accept the will of the people in Hanover County. This win would not be possible without the assistance of those on my campaign staff and the grassroots.”

7:59 p.m.: Fox News called the election for Bob McDonnell.

About the time that Fox News called the election, I had the opportunity to interview Rep. Rob Wittman about his thoughts on today’s election and the ramifications that this will have on the 2010 Congressional elections. Wittman was excited about the results from today’s election and how many voters were using this election as a referendum on Congress and the national scene in D.C. Wittman also said this momentum can continue to the 2010 cycle.

8:07 p.m.: Delegate Bill Janis won re-election to the House of Delegates (56th District.

8:14 p.m.: Bob McDonnell declared winner by CNN

8:15 p.m.: Ken Cuccinelli declared winner of the AG race by CNN

8:17 p.m.: MSNBC [3] calls all three Virginia races won by GOP (McDonnell, Bolling, and Cuccinelli)

8:19 p.m.: Delegate John O’Bannon is now on stage. We’re sending the Doc back to the House of Delegates.

“It’s a great night for Republicans in Virginia. Thank you to the good, common sense people of the 73rd House District for re-electing me.”

8:28 p.m.: I talked with Dr. Bob Holsworth of Virginia Tomorrow [4]. Holsworth predicted a huge sweep for all three of Virginia’s statewide offices. I also asked Holsworth about the New Jersey races tonight. He predicted that it will be very tight up until the end.

8:28 p.m.: Rep. Eric Cantor is on stage talking about the Republican victory. The Republican resurgence begins in Virginia.

8:40 p.m.: Steve Shannon is conceding shortly. You can watch it here [5]. I am really craving popcorn now.

8:48 p.m.: Jody Wagner is now conceding. Watch it here [5].

8:55 p.m.: Creigh Deeds is now conceding. Watch it here [5].

9:02 p.m.: Sen. Tommy Norment, former Governors George Allen and Jim Gilmore, and other dignitaries are all on stage. Now, Ed Gillespie is back on stage, and thanked the various coalitions. Gillespie has just introduced the next Attorney General-elect of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli. Steve Shannon has just conceded the race, and Cuccinelli congratulated him on a hard fought race.

“Daniel Webster said, “God grants liberty to those who love and defend it.” God provided enough strength, wisdom, and perseverance during this 19-month race. In this world, no one was more important to me in this race than my wife, Teiro. She was the first one to decide whether or not we would go forward with this race. My children have been phenomenally patient with me. My daughter, Alie, helped me by visiting different precincts. I would like to thank everyone for their help. It is people who are dedicated to protecting life and families, limited government, and the Constitution. I am committed to fighting for these first principles as your next Attorney General.”

Cuccinelli thanked his campaign team for their hard work, especially his campaign manager, Meredith Quillen. He thanked the law enforcement community and the Fraternal Order of Police for their endorsements.

9:23 p.m. Bill Bolling is on stage giving his acceptance speech.

“The dawn of a new age…this is change you can really believe in.”

Bolling thanked the grassroots activists, who helped out with the elections, and said that this win was for you. He also thanked the people of Virginia, and said that we need to get the budget back in line by turning our deficits into surpluses. Bolling mentioned the need to be more fiscally responsible.


“It’s been a good, good night in Richmond, Virginia. Let’s Welcome, Governor-elect Bob McDonnell”

It’s been a good night, indeed.

“Eight months ago, I applied for the job of Governor of Virginia. Today, the people of Virginia have hired me. I would like to thank you for giving me a great Lieutenant Governor, a man with faith and principle, Bill Bolling, and every Governor needs a good lawyer, that’s why I am thankful that Ken Cuccinelli is joining me tonight. I would like to say thanks to the next First Lady of Virginia.

Now, during my last landslide victory in 2005, my daughter, Jeanine, was in Iraq. I made two promises: one that my daughter would be home with me during this election, and two, that we would win by a larger margin.

I want to thank Sheila Johnson, my favorite Democrat for being here tonight. I would like to thank Creigh Deeds for running a spirited campaign, and I look forward to working with him. We are all Virginians, and we are all Americans. As Virginians and Americans, there are several challenges that we will have to face. Leading Virginia will require innovation. We need to strengthen our free markets and free enterprise system. I pledge to you that we will follow the rules of Thomas Jefferson by keeping a “wise and frugal government.” We will protect life, liberty, property, in the pursuit of happiness. We will create jobs and more opportunities for Virginians. Thank you to everyone who supported me…from the bottom of my heart. To those who did not support me…give me a chance to earn your trust for the betterment of the Commonwealth.

As a young kid, I never dreamed that I would be following in the steps of Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry to be the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. George Washington has always been my model of a servant leader. “Remember that it is the actions, not the commission that makes the officer.” We will leave Virginia better than we found it.”

9:54 p.m.: With the victories tonight, there is definitely good momentum. The tide looks like it is turning in New Jersey now as well. According to MSNBC, Chris Christie is leading Jon Corzine, 50-44% with 63% of the precincts in. Will this momentum carry us into the 2010 election cycle? I hope so, but of course, time will be the ultimate determination. Now, it is time to sign off and revel in this victory. Thank you for keeping track of my coverage here in Richmond. It’s been a fun time.