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Outside the Obama/Deeds Stump: Recap w/ Pictures

(due to work, my report covers the outside of the event up until 3 PM; for inside analysis, see Brian’s comments here)

Pictures speak for themselves, McDonnell’s supporters blew Deeds camp away at their own event. Deeds people seemed to take for granted that they would have the floor to themselves; McDonnell’s supporters made sure that every person driving down Hampton Blvd saw McDonnell signs.
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Crowd waiting to get in, you can clearly see the majority of the crowd are students
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McDonnell supporters as well as Tea Party members positively rally outside the event.
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While there were some taunts and shouts from people standing in line to get in, as well as people attempting to rip up McDonnell signs as they passed or making anti-McDonnell remarks, the majority of people were respectful and those interested had discussions with McDonnell supporters, Tea Partiers, Labor Union Reps and Health Care Reps. WAVY-10 covered the outside, interviewing McDonnell supporter and ODU College Republican Tyler Spires:

Members of the Hampton Roads Tea Party and McDonnell’s supporters spent hours on the sidewalk outside the Ted Constant Convocation Center. Most of the Tea Party protesters held signs opposing taxes and a public option for heath care reform. A few told WAVY.com they were there to focus solely on the election next Tuesday. Republicans said Mr. Obama’s visit on Creigh Deeds’ behalf was an opportunity for them to show enthusiasm for their candidate, McDonnell.

ODU Freshman Tyler Spires said he’ll vote for the Republican because of “Bob being a veteran, being an Attorney General, being a delegate – his ideas on transportation, him actually having a plan for Virginia.”

Deborah Walstrom of the Nansemond-Suffolk Republican Women’s Club told WAVY.com she wants McDonnell in the Governor’s mansion. Walstrom said she doesn’t believe a presidential rally is enough to keep Virginia blue. “I don’t think it’s going to help Mr. Deeds but maybe a tiny bit because I think people are here to see President Obama and not learn more about Creigh Deeds and what he’s about.”