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Gosport.Conspectus – 10.18.09

Trying something a little different, quick snapshot summary of pretty much anything I think from this week’s events. Enjoy, feel free to comment, I’ll argue with you (and however many other names you choose to use) and we’ll have some fun.

– Feeling great about Stolle’s chances. Both of them.

– Saw a John Bell 4×8 last night. I laughed.

– Wants a non-partisan Creigh Deeds supporter to explain to me how you can support his candidacy. If you choose to want higher taxes I respect that. But I have seen little from him, policy, substance or otherwise to understand any appeal he offer. Obama? Sure, I can see that, people get swept up. Warner? Okay, maybe I can go along with understanding a little. Deeds? No way. Please explain.

– Washington Post endorsed Creigh Deeds. In other shocking news, the sun rises in the east, taxes are a part of life and Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Only one of those is truly shocking.

– Glad to see some newspapers actually give due consideration to endorsements. Daily Press, I’m looking your way. Think the Virginian-Pilot might pull a stunner? No? Me neither.

– Speaking of which, Washington Post, your candidate profiles were atrocious. Truly. Virginian-Pilot, consider me duly impressed.

– Bill Clinton, Terry McAuliffe and President Obama will campaign with Creigh Deeds by the end of the month. Why is Creigh Deeds still having to waste valuable campaign time pump up Democratic enthusiasm?

– Steve Shannon frequently (and repeatedly) says law enforcement knows that 19,357 specific computers traffic in child pornography. What I want to know: if they know, why doesn’t that number ever go down? No one gets arrest in Virginia anymore?

– New poll this weekend of 506 likely voters shows 60% oppose new taxes or tax increases to pay for transportation. Coincidence that Bob McDonnell hammered Deeds for an hour on new taxes last Monday night?

– Hearing great things about the House of Delegate races in other parts of the state. Comstock. McConville. Sampson. Hyland. Greason. Clark. LeMunyon. If you don’t know these names, you should.

– Disappointed with the turnout for the McCain rally. Estimates are mid-200s, for the Republican Presidential nominee last year. Location & weather was a factor?

– Even more disappointed that the biggest thing taken away from the McDonnell rally with McCain was a question on global warming. At an event for veterans. Yeesh.

– Concerned that Ben Loyola’s campaign didn’t admit to the self-funded loan in the initial press release, but rather tried spinning it as out-raising everyone else. Technically that’s true. But in the underdog campaign Loyola has to run, getting called out right out of the gate hurts far more in the long run.

– 2nd District race is going to be brutal. The nomination fight will be cataclysmic.

– I have nothing to say about Jody Wagner. Neither does anyone else. That race was over two months ago.

More to come next week, speak freely below folks!