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Democrats excited about their House of Delegate prospects?

A friend sent me a link from the national Democratic National Legislative Campaign Committee.

You would think with three weeks to go in a campaign that sees all 100 seats up for election in the House of Delegates – a legislative house the Democrats were eager earlier this year about gaining the majority – there would be all sorts of information regarding the state of the races.

Instead, the site offers only a scant update [1] on the Minority Leader, HD-20, HD-100, and a couple stops by Kaine.

That’s hardly what I would call “energy” leading to a “takeover” of the House. Compare this to yesterday’s post [2] where Republicans are thinking they can capture anywhere between 3-8 seats this cycle.

Clearly the momentum is with the GOP right now. (Of course, looking at the RSLC [3]or the HRCC [4]web sites, you wouldn’t know it either).