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Post-Debate Wrap: Live from Richmond

Hey folks, thanks for tuning into BD for Debate Day coverage!

Very uneventful debate tonight, the press room was silent except for the clicking of keyboards. My thoughts:

– Despite no ‘home run’ moment, I thought Deeds miscued by stating again that ‘the day after I’m elected…’ repeating what he wrote in his WaPo article. National Democrats hammered Deeds for it, plus admitting he would raise taxes; to say it on the first statewide debate broadcast was a blunder, in my opinion.

– Deeds continues to bumble the presentation game, this time in front of the statewide audience. Stuttering and stammering of a non-handicapped person is not a reassuring trait in a candidate for governor.

– Immediately after the debate, Deeds was rushed off stage by advisers, holding the media off in the aftermath of the debate. See picture:

McDonnell’s press gaggle:
Bob Mcdonnell

Additionally, in response to a question asked by Virginian-Pilot reporter Julian Walker about the minimizing of social issues in the campaign, Deeds responded by saying that 50% of his ads were positive, while McDonnell spends the same amount in negative ads that Deeds himself spends total. Deeds then said the questions asked didn’t give him the opportunity to ask about the thesis. A follow-up question by another reporter said that he heard two questions that allowed him the opportunity to hit McDonnell on the thesis, so since you didn’t, is your position on social issues WRONG?

Here’s the exchange, the soothing (reference below) takes place as Deeds attempts to interrupt the reporter:

From my vantage point, directly behind Deeds and his spokesman Jared Leopold, I saw Deeds immediately react angrily to the question; Leopold then quickly and subtly physically stroked the back of Deeds back trying to calm him down, getting him back on message.

Despite the left-leaning questions, Bob McDonnell held his own and then some in a debate that served as a landmine. With no major gaffes from either side, this race continues as it was before: a McDonnell win.