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Deeds dancing around cap-and-trade

Yet further evidence Obama is not coming to Virginia [1] anytime soon for Deeds. From last night’s forum recap from CNN [2]:

Deeds said his campaign is now “re-framing” the race to keep a focus on Virginia issues. He told the moderators that he disagrees with Obama on “some issues” but only named one: the cap-and-trade legislation currently before Congress.

I guess it’s tough to be a “Creigh Deeds” Democrat these days. He can only find one thing to disagree with the president on…and the prez still isn’t going to campaign with him?

But McDonnell is not going to let Deeds back away from his flip-flop on cap-and-trade so easily. From CNBC yesterday:

KUDLOW: Virginia is also a big coal state if I’m not mistaken. I want to ask you about cap and trade in Washington, another Obama proposal and also the EPA wants to come in and regulate all these fossil fuel areas, which could be an absolute killer for Virginia.

MCDONNELL: We’re one of the largest coal exporting states in the country. … I am strongly opposed to cap-and-trade. It’s basically a federal energy tax. … Many businesses in Virginia have said we cannot sustain that sort of tax on electricity rates here in Virginia…. It’s a big difference between my opponent and I. He’s voiced his support for that, I’m opposed to it and it’s one of many differences between us in this race.

According to the WSJ [1], Vice President Biden will be coming to Virginia to campaign with Deeds. However, Deeds might have a difficult time reconciling his thoughts on cap-and-trade with Biden. The VP said during his campaign last year that he didn’t want any more coal plants built in the U.S.