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VDOT gets an F in stimulus

When Washington DC calls you inefficient, you KNOW you’re pretty low on the food chain.

Last place, to be exact.

We have 50 states in this nation, (not 60 as Obama said during the campaign, and he wasn’t even counting Kenya), and Virginia ranks dead [1]last in spending that job-creatin’ stimulus road money.

Yep, while Creigh Deeds is whispering “tax increase” to every young lady reporter who dares ask him a question that doesn’t have the word “thesis” in it, Virginia has only spent 16% of the emergency job-creating stimulus money that was so urgent in February.

At this rate, we’ll have rebounded into a red-hot bull market recovery by the time Virginia gets around to stimulating it.

If VDOT ran health care, they’d tell you to wait until you felt better before you took any medicine.

“The question comes down to what ‘spend’ means,” said Gordon Hickey, Kaine’s spokeperson. We’re honestly going to debate the meaning of spend? “We’re moving this along as quickly as we can,” says Hickey.

The point was to create jobs during a recession. S-T-I-M-U-L-U-S. Remember that? It was supposed to stop unemployment from going over 8% (it’s 9.8% as of this week). Sitting on money until you get around to spending it isn’t employing anyone.

Be sure to tell the Governor that if you happen to see him……in New Jersey.