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When Deeds Staffers Attack [UPDATE]

Yesterday morning, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds held an event to meet the public outside of the Clarendon Metro station. Instead of engaging the public, Deeds’s campaign staff does everything they can to keep the public and their policy questions away.

So here’s another question: Just how many sections of the Code of Virginia did the Deeds campaign just violate in this video?

Maybe Matt Hurtt [1] would have had better luck if his sign had a union bullet on it

(h/t Matthew Hurtt [1] for video and holding up the sign.)

UPDATE: Vivian Paige points out that that is not Joe Abbey in the video. The gentlemen did identify himself as Deeds’s “Campaign Manager” so maybe Larry Sabato was right about that shakeup. Just the same, someone on Deeds’s staff has some ‘splainin’ to do.