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Deeds Tall Tales Adding Up, Gets Called Out

Great post from the Star Exponent [1], taking Deeds to task for his continued embellishments and tall tales.

A CNN report points out a relatively small Deeds’ discrepancy: “The ad, however, makes a misleading claim: That McDonnell wrote the thesis when he was ‘months away’ from serving in office. In reality, he wrote it two years before his first election to the House of Delegates in 1991.”
The Washington Post had earlier reported that Joe Abbey, Creigh Deeds’ campaign manager, sent out an alert on Aug. 11, 2009, stating: “Breaking News: McDonnell Has Confederate Flag Posted In His Booth At Gun Show In Richmond.”

That would have been a great story for the Deeds camp except that The Washington Post pointed out it wasn’t true.
The Deeds campaign ads state that Bob McDonnell supports “no birth control for married adults.” The News Virginian says that’s another tall tale: “The claim that McDonnell voted against contraceptives for married adults is also false. He favored a bill allowing pharmacists to refuse to dispense contraceptives under a so-called conscience clause. The point was to support pharmacists — not target married adults.”

For those of you who may be like me, growing tired of Deeds constant attacks while giving voters not one iota of reason to vote for himself, it’s good to see that the attacks are be debunked by papers around the state, not just Bob McDonnell is his ad: