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Senator Dukakis???

Providing more proof that newspapers should really stay out of the public policy arena, The Boston Globe [1]has decided they sure liked 1988 and thinks Michael “set my felons free” Dukakis should be the next Senator from Massachusetts.

Dukakis was the genius who lost 40 states thanks to his zeal and luster of handing out weekend passes to first-degree murderers and famously saying that if his wife was murdered, he’d lull America to sleep with a speech about why the death penalty wouldn’t work.

Just the perfect resume to hand him a Senate seat. Voters surely wouldn’t do the same.

“But Patrick shouldn’t let what happened a generation ago bother him now” says the Globe.

OH, but if only Creigh Deeds and the Washington Post got that message.

Maybe Dukakis wrote a thesis about how the Democrats could lose states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and California.

Come to think of it, Dukakis in the Senate would be the best thing to happen to Republican fundraising since, well, Ted Kennedy.

Maybe it is an even swap after all.