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More lies and divisive rhetoric from camp Deeds

“We have to change the tone of the debate and put a stop to the endless bickering and gamesmanship that has come to define politics. We have to reject the poisonous language that is used to describe the other side?” – Sen. Creigh Deeds – June, 2007

Well, in what has become the most negative and nasty campaign I’ve seen ever run by a Democrat, we can throw those words out the window.

Today only continued the trend.

First, Deeds camp continues to call McDonnell’s agenda “socially divisive”; and I still have yet to receive a response to my query as to why Deeds voted with McDonnell 98% times then.

Second, Deeds began airing ads that continue to spread lies about the McDonnell record:

Once again, Deeds is saying that McDonnell “Introduced 35 bills restricting a woman’s choice.” Folks, this is just a flat-out lie.

I’m sounding like a broken record here, but then Del. Bob McDonnell was chief patron of 386 pieces of legislation. Eight dealt with abortion and five were the same bill! To repeat myself:

Then Deeds ad also says McDonnell “opposed birth control for married adults.”

Another fabrication.

Even the Washington Post (yes, THAT Washington Post) writes in August:

“We’re not aware of any legislation to keep contraception away from married adults.”

Finally, and the topper today, has to be Mudcat Saunders trying to divide Virginia on regional lines – and using a potty mouth to boot.

“From what I’ve seen up in Northern Virginia, they don’t give a damn if people talk s*** about us,” Saunders said. There are “more rednecks on Route 1 in Alexandria than the sixth district of Virginia.”


Will Deeds denounce this kind of rhetoric in his campaign to “change the tone of the debate”?