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Making myself clear, young lady

A few thoughts that have been clanking around in my well-travelled, enormously gifted, and non-ego influenced brain (only a third of it tied behind my back)

If disagreeing with Obama makes me a racist, than if Obama disagrees with me, he is a racist.

The real problem I have with Creigh Deeds’ “I think I’ve made myself clear, young lady” comment – if he thinks he’s being clear this campaign, he’s lost all grip on reality.

Deeds is, however, making progress. He says he won’t raise taxes, but that isn’t a pledge, and he’ll sign a bill that raises taxes as long as its taxes that aren’t general taxes, and he can’t call them taxes, but he can call it “new revenue” because he’s going to bring people together by running a solely negative attack campaign attacking the family of his opponent while having a transportation plan written in invisible ink and attacking McDonnell for having the absolute gall to introduce bills in the General Assembly that Deeds actually voted for and used to campaign on before he needed to appeal to radical leftists in Northern Virginia who think the problem with Virginia is we don’t tax like they do back home in Boston.

Hi, Jared.

I bet if Deeds was ordering a steak dinner in a restaurant and they asked how he wanted it cooked, his staff would say “Creigh Deeds has no position on how the steak will be cooked. He’ll bring people together to cook it, and everything is on the table, except robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Then when the waitress says, “Does that mean medium rare?” Deeds responds “I think I’ve made myself clear, young lady.”

Then he’d fire off a press release telling PETA he had a salad.

Then we have Jody “Popcorn” Wagner attacking Bill Bolling for not attending enough meetings that he wasn’t invited to. Jody, voters are more concerned about the meetings you actually attended and the brilliant work you did telling everyone we’d have 6 or 7% revenue growth in the middle of a recession.

I bet every time Kaine has to cut the budget, he’s not wearing a Wagner sticker on his lapel.

Every couple of years we’re told about the dire consequences that will happen if we don’t raise taxes. Notice the dire consequences never happen?

And what about the crushing flood of legal problems and court cases that were supposed to happen when we voted for the marriage protection amendment?

And on health care…

When 90’s Republicans want to cut waste, fraud and abuse out of Medicare, Democrats attacked it. Now Democrats are begging to do the same thing.

Spreading the cost of something over more people doesn’t make it less costly. It just makes the average cost drop.

“Public option” health care will be as useful as “public option” transportation. Wanna rely on the bus for major surgery?

When Jimmy Carter tells everyone now that it’s time to do what he spent most of the 70s telling us we had to do immediately or face horrible Armageddon, it would be rude to laugh in his face. It would also be stupid to listen.

Which brings me to Glenn Nye.

Glenn Nye has ditched Democrats by opposing cap and trade, Obama’s budget and funding for ACORN. If he votes against the health care takeover, Republicans might as well nominate him. With the way things are going, he’d stay in the majority in 2011 that way.

Has Mark Warner voted on anything “radically centrist?”

Has anyone woken up Steve Shannon and told him he’s running?

When unions flood money into a non-union state, what do you think they want?

I think David Gregory did a good job at the debate, but I wanted a panel of Larry Sabato, George Allen and Ron Paul. I think the questions would’ve been better than the answers.

That’s all.