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Virginian-Pilot Realizes Deeds’ Campaign is Sinking Ship

The Virginian-Pilot released an editorial this morning sharply taking Deeds’ to task for his lack of message, his lack of a transportation plan, his lack of substance and his disregard for voters’ intelligence. Kind of the same things we’ve been saying all summer?

Took ’em long enough:

Editorial here [1]

Democrats and political experts have been saying for months that gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds has a message problem: He doesn’t have one. Apparently that criticism got garbled in translation, and now Deeds is worried that he’s been too clear with voters.

That’s the most charitable explanation for ludicrous radio and TV ads the Democrat released Friday warning that his Republican opponent, Bob McDonnell, is a serial tax-increaser. The alternative explanation, one that’s far more distressing, is that Deeds has deliberately concocted disingenuous and deceitful ads because he thinks voters are too stupid to know better.

Deeds has spent the summer telling voters why they shouldn’t vote for McDonnell, but precious little time explaining why they should vote for him. Deeds has spent a month trying to scare Virginians about McDonnell’s past as a cultural conservative, but too little explaining his own vision for Virginia’s future.

The current crop of commercials does help Hampton Roads voters size Deeds up, but not in any way that will help his cause.

Ouch. Wonder if Deeds’ hit traffic on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel leaving town today [2]?