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Creigh “Mondale” Deeds in trouble

I don’t know what made me laugh the most.

When he criticized Bob McDonnell for voting against tax increases. (It’s Creigh Mondale! Did Deeds’ speechwriter think that would be a cheer line? I can hear the slogan now – “Don’t vote for McDonnell. He won’t raise your taxes.” )

When he said he’d create a permanent office of efficiency in government. (Yep, here’s the office of government efficiency with its 12 directors and co-directors and countless staff working around the clock playing spider solitaire while they fight inefficiency)

When he said how he’d never cut education and then said that everything in government will start at zero rather than fight over how big the increase will be. (Since Deeds considers any redirection of General Fund dollars a “raid on education,” what would starting the Education budget at zero be called?)

When he spent most of today’s BIG speech attacking McDonnell despite the fact that Deeds voted for 98% of McDonnell’s bills submitted as Attorney General.

In fact, most of what he said was mudslinging. If this was the speech that Deeds was going to get his campaign moving again, he’s still stuck in the mud.