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Couldn’t find a more fitting term. See, I have a problem with the namecalling and hyperbole in some of these town meetings. The difference is I didn’t only start having a problem with it on January 20, 2009.

“Somebody has to say it, and I’ll say it. I’ve called George Bush a terrorist” That was Cindy Sheehan [1].

Did Barney Frank ask her what planet she lived on?

In 2007, George Soros said this [2] about America after George W. Bush:

“We have to go through a certain deNazification process.” Soros

I haven’t seen, heard or read a single Democrat candidate, blogger or elected official denounce Soros for that. For some reason, from 2001 to 2009, Democrats were fine with calling anyone with the middle initial W a Nazi. If I had a dollar for every time a lefty brought up Nazi Germany and the Patriot Act in the same sentence, I could pay off the national deficit.

Suddenly, it bothers them now.

For most of the Bush Presidency, I had to listen to lefto-freakos tell me that George Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened. Google it. The websites are still up. Did Democrats defend Bush? Yeah right.

So now when Democrats propose to run health care like they run the post office, and BAM! suddenly citizens who have an opinion are called every disparaging name by Democrats who dined on the nutcakes in their own party on their way to power.
