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Democrats want terrorists in Hampton Roads

Hampton Roads is the major military epicenter on the East Coast. From shipbuilders to bases to the designers of nuclear subs, this is doubtless the defense hub of national security for America.

And, according to Democrats, a darn fine place to bring terrorists in from GITMO, including Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of 9-11.

If the Obama administration gets its way, terrorists from Guantanamo Bay will find their way to Newport News and have their “trials next to our nations nuclear vessels,” as Sen. Tommy Normant put it.

Republicans are unified in their opposition to bringing terrorists to Hampton Roads (Quotes from the Daily Press here [1] and here [2])

“I have grave concerns with trying the master-mind of the Sept. 11 attacks across the street from the design shops of our nuclear-powered carriers,” Congressman Rob Wittman.

Del. Phil Hamilton was “appalled it would even be considered to bring these terrorists to the geographic center of a densely populated region, one of great military importance to the United States and home to some of its greatest naval assets.”

Democrats haven’t said a thing, except for Congressman Bobby Scott who only said the decision is “the discretion of the executive branch.”

Thanks a bunch, Bobby.

Sen. Normant added “If the president’s administration is looking to try the prisoners in a state of the art courthouse, with tight security, a history of handling high-profile trials, and a non-biased pool of jurors, may I suggest they seek a change in venue to the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago.”

Let’s see if any Hampton Roads Democrat stands up for our nation’s security and for Hampton Roads and dares to tell Obama that terrorists and military bases don’t mix.