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McDonnell to Respond to O. Radio Address

Bob McDonnell will deliver the Republican response to Pres. Obama’s weekly radio address on this coming Saturday. According to this Daily Press story [1],

“The designation was made by the House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican from Ohio.”

Congratulations to the former Attorney General of Virginia, and color me unsurprised. Not only Virginians are taking note of McDonnell’s campaign.

As for the response to the radio address, I don’t know if McDonnell will have the subject of Obama’s address before Saturday, but it hardly matters. For one thing, Creigh Deeds will be hosting Barack Obama in Virginia on Thursday. How much do you want to bet that the event(s) will be long on personal meet-and-greet with crowd and very short on “my dear friend Creigh Deeds, who wants the same things I do for this country” speechifying? This will a gift for McDonnell’s radio response. He can quote Obama, and then say, “Do the majority of Americans a) want that program,  b) think the government can run it well, and c) think the government can pay for it?” And by program, I mean, pretty much anything Obama is pushing because It’s a Crisis and We Have To Do Something Now.

Update: from National Review [2]:

The fact that Bob McDonnell is ahead by double digits in two recent polls and is making the gubernatorial election about Obama, while Deeds is attempting to distance himself from the president, is arresting. These are the kind of things you see when an imposing political wave is beginning to form.