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Brutal murder in Chesapeake receives sentencing, abortions continue

In today’s Pilot editorial they (correctly) lament about a tragedy that occurred in South Norfolk where a baby girl (all of one-year-old) was “callously” murdered by two young men. [1]

Can you imagine the final minutes of a life that had barely begun? What could Ny-Asia Tillmon, a toddler who had just turned 1, have been thinking as three people burst into her home in Chesapeake one Saturday afternoon? Can a baby even comprehend such a menace?

“Who are they? Where’s Grandma?”

Ny-Asia will never be able to tell us what happened.

Nor will millions of others of babies who are just a few months younger, yet are merely awaiting birth, as they prepare to meet a similar tragic fate.

What is the difference between a “hail of gunfire” and being extracted from your mother to die in an abortionist’s operating room?

Will the Pilot also express their remorse over this far worse extermination of human life – which is equally premeditated, yet condoned by law, and encouraged by extremists?

What about Creigh Deeds, Jody Wagner, and Steve Shannon? Or Margi Vanderhye, Joe Bouchard, and Bobby Mathieson? Do they feel 78 years was too much for these assailants or enough?

Is the General Assembly comfortable with the existing law – or should it be modified – as these young murderers are only twenty and “will probably spend the rest of their lives in prison”? After ten years, twenty years, thirty years will our prison system have “reformed” them enough? After all, the baby couldn’t have survived for long without it’s mother anyway, right?

Then again, what do I know? Murder is a state issue and abortion is a federal one, right? So certainly I can’t expect any of our candidates for governor [2] – or other offices – to have a position on it.

And, in this case, the parents of young Ny-Asia didn’t have a choice…unlike with abortion.