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Creigh Deeds Campaign Strategy

Democrat Creigh Deeds is operating an aggressive 3-step campaign strategy as we the critical final 3 months of the campaign season.

Step 1 : Republican Bob McDonnell launches an initiative, plan or announcement.

Step 2 : The media calls Creigh Deeds’ campaign staff.

Step 3 : They shrug their shoulders and say “uhm, we, er, Creigh Deeds.. uhm, oh whatever, we think so too”

Bob McDonnell supports the quick restitution of wrongfully convicted Arthur Whitfield during the special session this year. Creigh Deeds eventually said “Me too” in time for the Washington Post to add it as an “update” to their McDonnell/Stolle post [1].

But that is only the latest example.

Bob McDonnell announces he will reopen Virginia’s rest stops. Creigh Deeds eventually said “Me too”

Bob McDonnell called for 10 debates. Creigh Deeds eventually said “Me too” even though 6 of Deeds’ 10 are appearances and not debates, he meant well. Anything to match McDonnell’s 10.

Bob McDonnell proposed privatizing ABC, and Deeds sorta kinda sheepishly said he’d look at exploring it. Half-hearted “me toos” count.

Democrats must be incredibly excited to work hard for their nominee who can’t have a decent idea unless Bob McDonnell has it first.

One thing is also certain.

Bob McDonnell thinks Creigh Deeds will raise our taxes. Eventually, Creigh Deeds will say “Me too.”