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Nye: Health reform must be fiscally responsible (Updated)

Yesterday, Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA02), penned an op-ed for Politico [1] on health care reform.

It is essential that health care reform includes affordable access for all Americans and coverage for pre-existing conditions. However, reform that simply creates new problems to replace the old ones is not reform at all. It must also be fiscally sustainable, guarantee the rights of Americans to choose their own doctors, protect military and veterans’ health benefits and ease the burden on small businesses.

He also held a forum with business leaders. [2]


“EXCLUSIVE — HOUSE DEMS PREPARE FOR RECESS, WITH THIS JUST-ADD-WATER E-MAIL FROM LEADERSHIP YESTERDAY: ‘Health Care Events for the August District Work Period: To help you host a successful health care reform event the Democratic Leadership is providing you with easy to use materials that you can use to explain and ‘sell’ our legislation. You can personalize these materials with anecdotes and district specific information. … Convene a group of local health care stakeholders to discuss their priorities and concerns regarding health care reform. … Tour a hospital, medical home, or health clinic in your district that uses health information technology, telemedicine or another innovative technique to decrease health costs over time … Conduct a public meeting with nurses, nurse educators, medical students, and rural and urban health groups …. Speak to local medical or nursing students … Meet with the editorial board of your local paper or write an op-ed to make the case for health care reform and explain the principles of the House bill. Personalize an op-ed with a story from one of your constituents.’” (Mike Allen, Politico “Playbook,” 7/28/09)