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Creigh Deeds: Can’t tell tunnels apart

Early this morning, Democrat for Governor Creigh Deeds put out a lengthy Virginia stimulus plan, which was basically unfunded Democrat talking points wrapped in a “jobs” plan that didn’t create that many jobs, at least not for a while.

But the original press release [1] contained this little tidbit:

“· Ease congestion on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.”

which I thought was hysterical, because if there’s a tunnel that doesn’t have a congestion problem, it’s the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, which has its own funding stream from a $12 toll.

By this afternoon, Deeds’ website [2] has a curiously changed his crusade for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to:

“• Ease congestion on the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.”

Did he flip a coin? Does he honestly not know the difference between the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel?

Will the media, whom also got the original release, call him on it?