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Will Creigh Deeds sign a “no tax” pledge?

A lot of unnecessary stink has been made about Bob McDonnell, who voted to cut taxes more than fifty times in the General Assembly to the tune of more than $2 billion, and his comments regarding not signing a “no tax” pledge to the Washington Times [1] yesterday:

“I will tell you exactly what I think, because I’ve answered your questions today, and I will tell you that I have no plans to raise taxes.”

Apparently that wasn’t good enough for the Times, which went on to write a scathing editorial.

The irony is the Times excoriates the tax cutter but does nothing regarding his opponent who really hasn’t found a tax he doesn’t like.

During the nomination contest, there was this exchange between Moran and Deeds:

Two of the Democrats left the door open for tax increases to help the state meet its needs, though neither made an immediate call to raise levies.

“Everything should be on the table,” said Del. Brian Moran of Alexandria. State Sen. Creigh Deeds of Bath County took a similar position. Moran’s aide later said his candidate would consider raising taxes only for transportation.

Even Moran made a clarification on what taxes he would consider, but the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Deeds, made no such clarification.

So, again, I pose this question to the Washington Times – who should you be writing editorials about: The tax cutter…or the guy who leaves every tax “on the table”?