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News Flash: Democrats denounce hate speech, unless it’s theirs

It’s truly funny. Now that Democrats have the White House, the House and the Senate, suddenly any criticism of Democrats is called hateful, angry, extreme and evil.

Give me a break! For eight years, I’ve heard the most hateful attacks on George W. Bush and the Republicans from “Bush wasn’t elected, he was selected” to “Bush lied, kids died” to the published attack on Gen. David Petraeus.

From DailyKos to MoveOn.org to hateful Democratic Bloggers calling Republicans racist, homophobes, anti-Semites, liars, cheaters, thieves, warmongers, and thugs, for the Democrats and the mainstream media to suddenly decide that there is some hateful rhetoric out there makes me think the media is like a reverse Van Gogh.

Only their left ear remains.

I guess gone are the days when Hillary Clinton screams and cackles about how she has “a right to disagree with any administration”. That was then, this is now.

No one can question the left. After all, hope and change meant taking over banks and car companies while blowing a huge hole in the budget and moving ahead with socialized health care and a “stimulus bill” that was promised to keep unemployment under 8% (it’s well past 9 and rising) and it’s clear that the only thing stimulated under this administration is government spending.

Criticize it, and expect to be a part of the next ABC-NBC-CBS-New York Times-Washington Post-LA Times story about how “toxic” the atmosphere is on the right and how hate is in the air.

They must’ve been holding their noses while they were doing the hating.