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Shaun Kenney joins me in “endorsing” Deeds

Update: you can also add Loudoun Insider of Too Conservative to those Republicans who are are picking Deeds [1].

Last week I wrote that the Democrats best chance at competing [2] this general election is with Creigh Deeds. I have been joined in two-part harmony by Shaun Kenney [3].

Kenney cites Deeds’ close race with McDonnell in 2005, his rural roots, campaign structure (still largely intact from 2005), and still strong 2nd amendment position as points favoring Deeds. He also points out the unique nature of dark-horse candidacies:

“Because the two top candidates have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars convincing the electorate the other is dishonest, naturally it shouldn’t be a surprise when the third candidate takes those same attacks like a Teflon champ. Nothing sticks… Deeds is in great shape heading into Tuesday.”

Will Democrats heed our advice and vote Deeds tomorrow?

For more on the campaign, check out Bob Holsworth’s post [4] from Virginia Tomorrow.