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Best Letter to the Editor I’ve seen

Nope, No Bias [1]
By Susan Hurley of Virginia Beach.

I must have my dates confused. I thought the Democratic primary to choose the gubernatorial nominee wasn’t until next Tuesday and that the largest Republican state convention in 15 years was this past Saturday.

However, The Pilot chose to make the three Democratic candidates its front-page, above-the-fold story on May 31 (‘Big promises for more jobs but few details) and relegated its story about 11,000 Virginians turning out to nominate Hampton Roads’ own Bob McDonnell and the rest of the Republican ticket to the Hampton Roads section (‘There’s renewed optimism’).

Surely there is no bias here. In fact, now that I see I did not have the dates confused, I look forward to the front-page story on June 10 about the platform of Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli, and will look at the Hampton Roads section for the results of the Democratic primary.