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Sotomayor – Could’ve been much worse

Benjamin Cardozo might have something to say about the “first Hispanic” hype, but all in all, considering some of the fringe left-wing pro-abortion activist wingnuts Obama could’ve nominated, Sonia Sotomayor isn’t the most objectionable choice in the world.

Of course, let’s be serious. Joe Biden doesn’t smile as much as he did unless the judge is seriously pro-Roe, or if he’s making Arab jokes about 7-11s.

If confirmed, she’ll join 5 other Catholics on the Court (Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts).

Yes, she thinks courts make policy. Yes, she’s pro-affirmative action. And she doesn’t exactly have the record of thinking “right to keep and bear arms” means “right to keep and bear arms”

My definition of a liberal Justice – one who defends what the Constitution doesn’t say while ignoring what it does.

She might be that type. David Souter certainly was, and a Republican President put him on there. There was hardly a case he wasn’t reliably liberal on.

But the last Democrat in the Oval Office put an ACLU lawyer in there. Sotomayor’s history is at least better than that.

So, I’m not rushing to judgment on this one. Maybe, just maybe, the Dems might wind up with a Souter of their own.