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Newt? Really?

Rep. Eric Cantor (VA-7) desperately wants to create an image that the GOP is full of problem-solvers.

Newt Gingrich, with his “American Solutions [1]” organization – remember, the one that kept him from running for president – is one such problem-solver.

But Gingrich has been around for a long time…why then is Gingrich considered such a big score [2] for Cantor’s “National Council for a New America [3]“?

Personally, I’m not yet sold on Cantor’s idea.

Frankly, an organization that is supposed to work for bipartisan solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems has already been Constitutionally mandated – it’s called Congress.

If this National Council is a new political organization, there are any number of venues open, such as, oh, the Republican Party, the various caucuses, and, yes, Newt’s “American Solutions.”

If we’re seeking a think tank, how about Heritage [4]? Cato [5]?

Has the Republican Party and well-known conservative institutions become so tarnished that tried-and-true national leaders who are signing onto Cantor’s vision – Romney, Palin, McCain, Gingrich, Barbour, to name just a few – are ditching it for this new group? Why can’t these problem-solvers do this work within the party structure?

“The National Council for a New America will engage with and empower the American people to develop innovative solutions that meet the serious challenges confronting our country,” wrote Cantor at the forming of this organization. “It is the right time to begin a thoughtful conversation about the future of this country.”

Certainly I don’t think anyone would quibble about having debate, discussion and dialogue to advance the causes of freedom and prosperity. But is another organization necessary? Particularly one that is stocked with Republican leadership?

Forgive me if I don’t get too excited about Republicans forming another organization to advance Republican ideology.

It’s not more organizations that need to be formed: it’s a pretty simple solution of cutting government waste, bureaucracy, and spending…and acting on it.

True conservatism doesn’t need a focus group or another blue ribbon panel. It doesn’t need another organization or PAC.

It needs people committed to the principles and then coordinating, organizing, motivating, and mobilizing action.

If we can’t do that in the structure that already exists, we’ve got problems.